Turning Point Educational Services: About Us
providing educational therapy and tutoring to East Bay students for over 25 years
Turning Point helps you with academic success in our office or your home. Begun in 1979, we provide highly personalized help to students in Oakland and the East Bay who struggle with reading, writing, and math.
We also supervise, mentor, and coach helping professionals to deepen the capacity to reflect on their own physical, mental, emotional, and ethical experiences for wiser clinical choices and better self-care.

Carolyn Edwards, M.Ed., B.C.E.T., has over twenty-five years’ experience as a learning specialist, classroom teacher, and child advocate, and a student of countertransference, intersubjectivity, and emotional systems thinking in the helping professions. She has a B.A. from UC Berkeley, and has directed Turning Point since 1995. She is board-certified member of the Association of Educational Therapists and is also a published writer. www.carolynmcvickaredwards.com
What Parents Say…
“…wish we’d called you a long time ago…”
“…transformed T from a reluctant learner to an enthusiastic student.”
“…I am so glad I made the first step and called you.”
“…words cannot express my appreciation…”
“…B is lucky to have had the blessing of being truly ‘seen’ by someone as you have seen him…”
“…thank you for helping him struggle up the mountain and still take time to look at the stars….”